My friends,

We here at el Mundo de Pepita are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We want you to be aware of how, and when, we use any information you provide, and in doing so, ensure you are completely informed.

*We do not share, sell, lease or otherwise give away any information you provide to us. This includes your email address for the monthly newsletter, any statistics gathered via the technology platforms (Blogger, Mailchimp) which are visited as part of signing up for the newsletter due to Cookies (a small embedded site tracking technology which collects data using the clicks you make on sites on the internet-this is something I cannot control, but nevertheless you should be aware of) or other data tracking technology.

*Any information gathered via this site remains confidential. We reserve the right to gather any information via technology mentioned above in accordance with Federal law. This information serves to inform us as to how we can better help you.

*You can unsubscribe to our email newsletter and/or any promotional communication at any time, just click on the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email. You can also request any information be removed or restricted at any time of your choosing-my email address is at the bottom.

*We reserve the right to make changes to this policy in the future.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Julie Speno

Effective May 20, 2018